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My Background


Since childhood, my innate curiosity has led me to explore the psychology behind decision-making. Through experiential learning, I quickly discovered the pivotal role that money plays in shaping choices. This discovery naturally led me towards pursuing an education in business and looking into financially-oriented career paths.


My passion materialized in the form of co-founding a service business before my 18th birthday, becoming a property manager, scouting for venture capitalists, and interning at a fortune 200 company. Looking ahead, I aspire to launch my own business, be a catalyst for positive change on a global scale, and establish a lasting impact, all while appreciating the present moment :)

Personal and Professional Journey 

Current position - Financial Supply Chain Analyst Intern at Kimberly-Clark Corporation

September 2004, Atlanta, GA - Where it all started, first of many moments in my journey

December 2005, Brentwood, TN - My family and I move into the house I will live in until college

August 2014, Brentwood TN - Curiosity for psychology and the financial world begins to grow

November 2015, Brentwood, TN - Childhood dream to become a movie director comes to an end

April 2018, Brentwood, TN - stopped played soccer after over 10 years, and committing over 40 hours a week at practices + tournaments from 6th - 8th grade

September 2019, Brentwood, TN - Joined the HS wrestling team, single-most life changing decision 

Summer 2021, IA & MS -  Completed a two-week intensive wrestling camp(Iowa) and a one-month on-campus Chinese Language and Culture program(Ole Miss), funded through the NSA

Spring 2022, Brentwood, TN - Accept admission to Penn State Smeal College of Business, graduate from high school, and co-found Tristar power washing

Summer 2023, Brentwood, TN - Completed my first year of college, started managing a property, heavily updated my resume, and made my LinkedIn profile

September 2023, University Park, PA - Accept my offer as a Supply Chain Analyst Intern with K-C, and start as work as a Business Development Intern with Cascatta Developments

March 2024, Irvine, CA - Ran my second half-marathon, 2024 goal: run a full marathon

June 2024, Knoxville, TN - The first day of my Kimberly-Clark internship—the first step in my next journey!

August 2024, Knoxville, TN - Successfully led the implementation of the first electric vehicles into   K-C's supply chain

November 2025, Philadelphia, PA - Ran the Philly Marathon!! A lifetime accomplishment checked off

Sachin Sashti

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